Research Areas

Artificial Intelligence

Why is artificial intelligence so seemingly dumb? Ask any of the virtual assistants a question and ultimately they’ll get confused easily and resort to searching the internet or just straight not understand the question. This is what is called a lack of “general” intelligence. Computers are incredibly good at precise intelligence and can perform specific tasks with very well defined parameters incredibly well. Humans on the other hand are much better (right now) at more imprecise intelligence; having the ability to make connections between disparate concepts to solve a problem or make an insight.

Could this be solved with novel approaches in evolutionary neurobiology or unique algorithmic approaches to learning? You don’t know if you don’t look.

Space Exploration

Space seems to be on everyone’s mind lately and the explosion of private ventures in the past fifteen years is largely to thank for that. However, it seems like any advances in space happen at a glacial pace, often taking decades for meaningful progress.

The first step in determining how to manipulate space-time and make humanity a truly space faring species was the discovery of gravitational waves by LIGO in 2016. With that discovery, humanity now has positive confirmation that they exist and the speed at which they travel at.

Could cutting edge manufacturing and advanced material science allow for space-time circuits or devices such as batteries, so even minuscule disturbances could be cumulatively stored into something much larger for later use? Again, you don’t know if you don’t give it the good ole college try.

Math in Psychology and Sociology

The psychological and sociological sciences utilize mathematics extensively in the pursuit of knowledge in their respective fields. However, contrary to the “hard” sciences such as Chemistry and Physics, these sciences utilize mathematics in a largely reactive capacity by using statistics to analyze observed behaviors. Successful application of predictive mathematics, which has allowed the “hard” sciences to revolutionize the human condition time-and-time again, has so far alluded researchers in the psychological and social sciences.

Could a physics based back to basics approach see some success in this area? You don’t know if you don’t try.

Applied Sociology

With the huge disparities in political discourse, many are wondering how society became so fragmented and if there’s a way out. The application of evidence-based sociology to politics has largely been ignored until recently with the UK leading the way. However, even there the application there isn’t seeing consistent success. If utilizing the latest evidence-based research for policy decisions doesn’t yield expected results it’s no wonder people can argue until they’re blue in the face about a subject and never come to a clear conclusion?

Could the novel approaches to predictive mathematics mentioned above potentially mixed with applied Chaos theory help? Yet again, you don’t know if you don’t at least make an attempt.

Contact us if you’d like to get involved or help out.